The Critical Thinking Co. – Building Thinking Skills Review

You have probably heard of The Critical Thinking Co.’s award-winning products which cover reading, writing, math, history, and science.  Before I received a product to review from them, I had been working with my son in the Mind Benders series of books that help children develop logic and thinking skills through deductive thinking puzzles.  I particularly like the chart used to work out the child’s thought process to figure out the puzzle.  I think these are fantastic and highly recommend them.

We received Building Thinking Skills Level 2 for Grades 4-6.  Unfortunately most of this book was much too easy for my "Gr. 4" aged son and I believe that much of it would be rather boring for the average student.   In the front of the book there is work on identifying shapes and describing which ones are in front and behind, concepts which my almost-5-year-old has no problem with.  However, having worked with a child who was in Gr. 4 in the past and needed some remedial work, I believe this would be a fantastic resource for students working below grade level, or having trouble with logical thought.  Towards the back of the book is some of the wonderful content from the "Mind Bender" series.  Cost on their website is $29.99 US or check out your favourite Homeschooling Supply Store online as these are popular books.

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