Keep Posted For Homeschool Product Reviews!

I have exciting news!  For the next 9 months I will be reviewing new curricula and new homeschool products. I will be providing you with an exclusive first glimpse at new products and giving you tips on how best to utilize them in your own homeschool.  The reviews I posted recently for The Old Schoolhouse
Planner and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine-online edition were just the beginning.  Now I am officially a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew!  What does that mean? It means that The Old Schoolhouse chose me to be part of its Focus Marketing Group for the next nine months.  Numerous homeschooling companies will send me NEW and COOL products to try out!  My task will be to review each product thoroughly and spread the word.  I’m very excited about being able to check out new homeschooling curriculua and sharing my opinions with you.  Please feel free to comment on my reviews, to ask questions about a product, or to pass on the reviews to fellow homeschoolers you know would benefit from a particular item.  I will be posting my reviews here, so be sure to check back often for the latest homeschool product reviews.  For more information, or to see other members of the Crew’s reviews, click on the TOS Crew icon in the column to the right, or on this link TOS Homeschool Crew

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