Remember – Movie Review

Remember MovieChildren used to begin government school at age 6, for Grade 1. Then Kindergarten/Primary was introduced to prepare children for Grade 1. Many jurisdictions have a Pre-Kindergarten or Junior Kindergarten now, and there are even preschools offered in some government schools today. Some parents who choose not to “do school” in the early years (or even choose to homeschool throughout the school years), muse that one day we will hand our children right over to the government at birth.

Remember tells the story of a dystopian future, a future where children are taken from their parents at birth and raised by the state, for the good of civilization (just as Plato proposes in his “Republic”). I don’t know about you, but I tend to love Sci-Fi style, dystopian stories, and this one didn’t disappoint.

I was surprised at how great the special effects were, especially because this is a small, independently made film. The all-original music was very well done, and added to the tone of the movie. Remember was written by a homeschooling father in Alberta, Canada, where it was also filmed. It was named “Best International Narrative Feature” at the San Diego Christian Film Festival. While it does have Christian overtones, it isn’t heavy handed and I think Christians and non-Christians alike will enjoy this movie. It would be a great addition to any high schooler’s study of dystopian literature.

Check out Remember right now with this trailer:

Visit Remember’s Facebook page at To order for just $19.99, go to Options are also available to purchase and show to your homeschool group or church group, and bulk discounts are available.

Love, Luck &


**I received a copy of Remember in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own**

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