Organizing Your Email Inbox

Face it. Your email inbox is out of control. If you’re anything like me, you’re addicted to emails and freebies from homeschool companies. You’re drowning in emails and have all but given up on organizing your email inbox. But it can get better! You can succeed at organizing your email inbox. It really does help save time and clear your head to have a nice, clean inbox. Get to inbox zero with these tips and tools.

organizing your email inbox

Organizing Your Email Inbox

To get your inbox organized in 2016, start with the free service! I use the free app IOS app on my iPhone, but you can also use Unroll.Me on your computer. I challenge you to see how many emails you can swipe through and unsubscribe to right now!

With the first scan, this is how many subscriptions Unroll.Me found …

organizing your email inbox

Yes that does say a whopping 348!

I’ve been using Unroll.Me for over a week now and I am proud to say I have unsubscribed from 110 email lists!

organizing your email inbox

Sure, I still have some work to do because 266 emails is too many, but it’s progress. I receive the rest of the emails in a daily roll up that’s easy to glance through and open any that are important. Then I just delete them in one big batch – MUCH faster than opening them one at a time!

Check out Unroll.Me now – it’s free! I challenge you to see how many email subscriptions you can get rid of that you don’t really need and that simply waste your time every day.

Unroll.Me probably won’t solve the problem for good, though. You have to have a system to deal with each of your emails. Here are a few of the tips I learned in a course that helped me get to inbox zero:

  1. Create folders and store emails you want to keep in them for easy reference later – for instance, you could create a Homeschooling in Nova Scotia folder for keeping any of these posts you want to refer to later *grin*
  2. Set filters on incoming emails so they drop right into the relevant folder instead of cluttering your inbox, to be read when you open the folder.
  3. Set a time to go through your inbox each day. Don’t read every email as it comes in all day long.

Here is a snapshot of my email inbox before:

organizing your email inbox

Yes, I had a problem: 37,406 unread emails PLUS 27,321 read emails sitting in my inbox for a whopping 64,727 total! Yikes! After taking the Mind Organization for Moms course, I worked away at my inbox little by little and had whittled it down to 29,373 unread about a week later PLUS 24,858 read for 54,021. I kept going and got my inbox to zero:

organizing your email inbox


The course I took was Mind Organization for Moms. It also taught me how to get my piles of paper under control and my life organized. It’s based on the Getting Things Done method but tailored to suit busy moms. I highly recommend setting aside some time to go through the course – it’s fantastic! You can check out the Mind Organization for Moms course here.

How many unread emails are sitting in your inbox? Can you beat my old inbox full of 64,727 total emails? Let me know in the comments below!

If you’d like more tips and tricks for getting organized in your home and homeschool, check out my Getting Organized posts on meal planning and problematic kitchen cupboards. And check out posts from the Canadian Homeschool Blogging team at The Canadian Homeschooler for more organizing ideas!

Love, Luck &



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2 thoughts on “Organizing Your Email Inbox”

    1. Oh my, I can’t imagine more than 64,000 sitting in my inbox! You get the crown 😉 Yes, I used search and delete before the Unroll.Me app. It does work well, but I like how the app shows me how ridiculous I’m being with this many subscriptions. I’m happily whittling them down daily so I don’t spend so much time on email.

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