Judah Bible Curriculum – Review


The Judah Bible Curriculum uses the “Principle Approach” , which “refers to a philosophy of education whose content and methods are designed to build character in teacher and student capable of sustaining liberty” and is apparently the way people were educated in early America.   It is designed to teach you and your student how to study and research the Bible, using the Bible as the textbook.  It includes:

  • Judah Bible Curriculum K-12 Manual or e-book
  • Elementary Notebook Ideas Booklet (download or view online)
  • Eight-lecture Teacher Training Seminars on CD (download or listen online)

The first component of the Judah Bible Curriculum is the audio lectures – Teacher Training for the parent.  The first audio, on the philosophy of JBC, is a little dry and makes a lot of references to the American nation.  There is a lot of talk of government, as well as character, etc.  The second audio is “How God Changes Nations”.  A frustrating thing about these audios, is that they are rather repetitive.  The third audio, after going on about government for the first 10 minutes, finally starts to discuss how to set up notebooks and start actually teaching your child.  There is an overtly American bent to the audios.  One frustrating thing about the website, is that these audios have an accompanying video component available for download, but this was not at first evident and was hard to find.

You go through one topic per week, chronologically through the Bible, with memory verses and key sheets.  There is one, blank, master key sheet that you use throughout the entire year, which lists the facts or questions to cover in your own Bible study.  This isn’t so much a curriculum as an outline or guide. It is labour intensive.  There are some samples of student work included as examples, but these are all things that were designed by the students and their parents themselves.  I had a hard time implementing this in our homeschool at this time, near the end of the year.  I’m afraid I didn’t have the time to sit down and sift through everything to figure out how to really do it properly.  This is something I’m going to revisit over the summer to see if I can get it all organized and take another crack at it.

The Judah Bible Curriculum can be purchased as a download for $44.00 US or hard copy $69.00 US plus shipping.

I received the download version in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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