Homeschooling with Craftsy

homeschool with craftsy

We love homeschooling with Craftsy classes! There are classes such as gardening available, so it isn’t just for arts and crafts class! I have shared with you before about using Craftsy for specific classes in our homeschool. There are so many Craftsy classes and they are available in the comfort of your own home, 24/7! With many of the full classes being several hours long, they can easily count as part of a credit or even a half credit for your child’s high school transcript if you count all the time spent completing the activity or activities in the course. So, how can you start homeschooling with Craftsy?


No, there aren’t any straight math classes available through Craftsy, but you certainly can supplement your math classes. If your child is learning fractions, work on a cooking or baking class together by doing fractions in the kitchen. Learning about measurement? Bring home the lessons with a woodworking or sewing class.


Get specific with the sciences with such classes as The Art and Science of Bread. Or one of the gardening classes will fit in beautifully with your Life Science studies!


Combine writing with art and get your child into some creative journaling, scrapbooking, or card making! I just noticed there’s a free Birthday card mini-class while I was writing this!

History and Geography

Studying the 18th century? Learn how to spin or knit. Are you going traveling somewhere new and learning about the geography of the area? Check out the Travel Scrapbooking class together.

Home Economics

Cooking, Baking, Cake Decorating … there are so many terrific classes for your kids to take! Some of our favourites are free mini-courses that I have mentioned before, such as Complete Knife Skills and Modern Buttercream Techniques. My daughter especially loves cake decorating! As we are all getting into sewing, we’ve enjoyed the Sewing Studio class along with a bunch of the free sewing mini-classes available.


There are many Photography classes available through Craftsy. We are enjoying the free mini-class, Professional Family Portraits, to improve the family portraits we take ourselves every year (it saves a ton on professional photos)!

Arts and Crafts

The sky’s the limit here. There are so many classes to choose from in the following categories:

  • Visual Arts: Drawing, painting
  • Fibre Arts: Knitting, Crocheting, Weaving, Spinning
  • Needle Arts: Quilting, Sewing, Embroidery
  • Jewellery Making
  • Paper Crafts

As you have probably already figured out, I love to spin, knit, and weave and share those passions with my kids. Some of our favourite classes are Rigid Heddle Weaving and Mittens and Gloves Galore. My daughter loves the free mini-classes on drawing as well.


There are woodworking classes, too! From wood turning to cabinets, there’s something for everyone.

You can use Craftsy classes across the curriculum!

Have you tried a Craftsy class? What creative things do you like to pursue with your kids? Let me know in the comments below!

Love, Luck &


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