March Break (Mar 16-20) Activities in Cape Breton

The CBU CAPERS will host their annual March Break Basketball Camp from March 16-20 at the Sullivan Field House. The camp is open to players aged 6-16. Cost of the camp is $30 for single days or $125 for the full week. For further information contact Jim Charters at 563-1409 or Fabian McKenzie at 563-1874
Visit for more information on the CAPERS and their programs.

Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design – March Break Boredom Busters
Boredom Buster #1 – Kids ‘n’ Crafts for ages 7 to 11 (max 15 students)
March 16 to 19 from 9am to 12 noon
Cost: $65
Projects range from polymer clay to beadwork to papercraft, and more!

Boredom Buster #2 – Kids ‘n’ Clay for ages 12 to 17 (max 8 students)
March 16 to 20 from 9am to noon OR 1 to 4pm
Work on slabs ready for decoration – plates/saucers, bowls, cups, etc.  If time permits, students can try their hand at making pots using hand-building techniques: pinch, coil, slab.  Work will be kiln fired and ready for pick up within two weeks.
Cost $75 + HST

Deadline to Register for these programs: March 11
To register or for more information phone 539-7491, email or visit

Citizens Service League will be running a March Break program at Passchendaele House on Dominion Street in Glace Bay for the week of March 16-20. The cost per child is $50.  The cost for families with two or more children will be $50 for the first child and $40 for each additional child. The program will run from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and will be jam packed with fun activities, creative crafts, outdoor activities, one field day trip and much, much more!

Please call Town House at 849-2449 for more information.

The YMCA is offering children’s day camps.  For more information contact and go to Cape Breton YMCA to download an application.

The Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts will be offering March Break Workshops, both for youth 5-18 and adults.  Choices include bagpipes, bodhran, fiddle, step dance, Gaelic language and song (TIP), highland dance, piano accompaniment, and pipeband drumming.  Overnight accomodations are available.  For information please go to Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts.


McConnell Library March Break Programs – For school-aged children only
Registration starts Mar 3rd
March 17th 1 pm – Ventriloquist with Freddy and Freda
March 18th 1 pm – Sign Language
March 19th 1 pm – How do Animals Talk?
March 20th 1 pm – Theatre Fun for Children
Friday March 20th 7pm – Movies & Popcorn For ALL Ages (wear your pajamas)


Events on the Mira:

March 13- Albert Bridge Winter Carnival Grand Opening – Albert Bridge Fire Hall

Children’s Dance – ages 12 and under – Albert Bridge Fire Hall – 7:30 to 10 pm – Admission by Food Donation.  Munchies provided.

March 14 – Fishing Derby1-3pm Albert Bridge for more info phone 562-2422.  Admission by Food Donation.

March 16 – Coasting and farm visit10am-1:30pm Hanson’s Farm, Trout Brook Rd.  Admission by Food Donation.  Noon:  hot dogs & hot chocolate.

March 17 – Klutzy the Clown – Albert Bridge Fire Hall – 10am -1pm Admission by food donation

Family Skate – 1/2 mile up Trout Brook Rd. – 1-3pm – Admission by food donation.  Munchies provided.

March 19 – Floor Hockey – Riverside School ages 12 and under: 10am ; ages 13 and up: 11:30am.  Admission by food donation.  Indoor shoes in the gym.

March 21- Pancake Breakfast Riverside School, Hornes Rd 8:30-11:30am.  $4


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