More Free Online Homeschool Classes For Parents @ Homeschool Blogger

Homeschool Bargains Galore – Freebies, Great Buys, and More!
August 17th – 3 PM ADT
Pre-show: 2 PM ADT

Commit the Word to Their Hearts
August 19 – 5 PM ADT
Pre-show: 4 PM ADT

Think Biblically, Live Godly, and Serve Practically
August 26th – 3 PM ADT
Pre-show: 2 PM ADT

Ten Stumbling Blocks to Writing
August 31st – 3 PM ADT

Come early to be doubly blessed with a pre-show! One hour before the main presentation start time, settle in for even more great information, encouraging words, and uplifting education for yourself as the homeschool teacher. And the price simply cannot be beat—it is all FREE!

Here’s how each of the’s FREE Classes will be set up:

FREE Class Title—An exciting topic drawn from all kinds of homeschool subject matter!
Pre-Show Talk—Enjoy a content-rich talk on the FREE Class topic filled with information to help you homeschool.
Main Presentation—Learn more from a company with expertise in the topic area.
All rolled into one fantastic’s FREE Class

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