Learn about Delight Directed Learning and Geek Schooling

geek schooling and delight directed learning

In case you didn’t know, in addition to this website, I also run another website, Geek Schooling. I started it after having posted a lot about geek schooling here on Homeschooling in Nova Scotia and wanting to branch out and reach a wider audience beyond our province.

This week, I appeared on Shout Your Cause with Sally Hendrick. I had a such a great time chatting about my favourite topics. We discussed delight directed learning and geek schooling, including homeschooling during the pandemic, and more. Here it is! Just click the play button to watch below.


Do you incorporate delight directed learning in your homeschool? Let me know in the comments below!

And if you’re interested in the free mini-course I mentioned, grab the Geek Schooling mini-course here. Enjoy!

Love, Luck &


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