If you have already decided to homeschool your child this year, it’s homeschool registration time. September 20th is the deadline to register your child in Nova Scotia. It’s easy to register! Just follow these steps,
Download the Registration Form
Click HERE to download the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development homeschool registration form.
All children ages 5 to 16 (re Amendment to Education Act Regulations, Section 3(1)) must be registered by September 20th of the coming school year (although if you’re starting mid-year this doesn’t apply). Registration must include:
in the case of previous public school experience, the last grade level attained; in the case of previous home education experience, the program level of achievement and estimated equivalent public school grade level; and identification of the proposed home education program” (Regulations Section 39 (2))
Fill Out the Registration Form
Download your registration form (and open using Adobe Acrobat Reader free here). Fill out your registration form in Adobe (so you can sign digitally) or print and fill out on paper (your local library offers free printing every month so you can print there if needed). If you are registering your child for the first time (you have never enrolled them in a Nova Scotia school before), the Ministry wants to see your child’s birth certificate, so include a copy with your registration.
In the Regulations, it only refers to providing your children with an “educational program”. No specific educational program is required. You can choose what you think is best for your child. So, don’t agonize over filling out the registration form. You have complete freedom to choose the materials (religious or secular) you want and to design your own program that meets your child’s needs.
If you are using a curriculum that you purchased, you can say YES, your curriculum is commercially available. In the subject boxes, jot down a couple details about the curriculum you are using for each subject. Or write a few sentences about what you’re going to cover if you aren’t using a curriculum. And don’t forget to sign it (they will send it back for a signature – ask me how I know)!
Send the Registration Form
You can snail mail the form to the address provided. Or you can send the registration form using the DOEECD’s new secure online form here. They prefer not to take emails at their former email address.
All done! Homeschool registration time doesn’t have to be stressful. And next year, consider sending your registration at the same time as you send your report in June, so it’s all done at once.
Homeschool Registration FAQs
Are online courses available?
Yes. The DOECCD offers Independent Online Learning (NSIOL) for Grades 10 through 12 here. Although courses are free when you register through your local high school, keep in mind there is no teacher and they provide a mentor only to clarify instructions. Personally, I do not recommend them (too much busy work and no teacher feedback), and there aren’t anywhere near enough classes to complete a full year of study; only 2 classes per grades are available at this time. I suggest using a homeschool curriculum designed for parents teaching your child one-on-one at home. Click here to check out just some of the homeschool curricula out there.
Can you decide to homeschool in the middle of the school year?
Yes! Simply fill out the registration form and send it in whenever you decide to start. The September 20th deadline is just for those who have decided at the beginning of the school year.
For more information on starting to homeschool, check out the Getting Started Page and grab your handy dandy Getting Started Homeschooling Checklist while you’re there.
Attend the Homeschool Informational Tea
If you’re in the Halifax area, come to the Homeschool Informational Tea on August 24th at 2pm in Fort Needham Memorial Park!

Happy homeschooling!
Love, Luck &
Hi Kimberly,
I wish to home school my child, however at the same time I need to work so I know that I can not do this on my own…I was wondering if there are parents in Halifax, with similar age children whom come together on a regular basics….My little guy is 7,5 would be returning to grade 2, up until now he thinks school is boring….super excited to meet everyone on Saturday….thank you,
Hi Andrea! There are thriving groups of homeschoolers in Halifax. You can find most of them on Facebook and they are listed here under Resources & Support —————–>
It’s so great that you are taking this opportunity to reinstill your child’s love of learning! See you Saturday!
Are there text books that we can use free I need a grade ten French math 📚
Hi June! Are you planning to homeschool through graduation or are you planning on returning your child to public school?
It’s easy to homeschool high school if you’re OK with with your child graduating as a homeschooler – you can choose any curriculum you like and you simply keep records such as a homemade homeschool transcript, course descriptions, and diploma that many/most post-secondary institutions are happy to accept across Canada and the US.
However, if you’re set on earning a public school diploma, the only way to really ensure your child will get high school credits applied to your public school diploma is to:
1) Take online NS correspondence courses (which are filled with busy work and there is zero interaction with a teacher, and not all courses are available)
2) Take online university courses, CLEP, and/or AP courses/exams to get dual university/high school credit
3) A combination of the two
Sometimes high schools do accept homeschool courses as credits if they’re named similarly to the public school courses and you submit course descriptions, etc. But sometimes they will insist the child still earn the 18 public school credits if they want that public school diploma. It depends on the school.
I am wondering in case we are travelling do we still have access to homeschool?
Hi! Yes, you can travel while you homeschool your kids. Many families “travel school”. And missionary families homeschool as well.