Can You Homeschool on a Shoestring?

homeschool on a shoestring

Potential homeschool parents are always asking if homeschooling is expensive and how to make it more affordable. So, can you homeschool on a shoestring? Absolutely!

Entire homeschool curricula can be found online, as can books, games, worksheets, you name it. I don’t know how homeschoolers did it before the advent of the personal computer! To peruse a whole bunch of homeschool freebies I’ve found, you can click on Free Homeschooling Resources to see a list of everything I’ve shared in the past. And here is a list of some of the resources I’ve found to help you homeschool on a shoestring.

Online resources

Physical and local resources

Other than resources on the internet, here are some simple things we do or use to save money in our homeschool…

  • Library – we do not buy books we can find at the library – I use our local library’s website to search from home and can take a trip to the library weekly. Many books are also available in eBook format.
  • Dollar store – there are so many things we can use at the dollar store, from bristol board and tape, to books and workbooks
  • Free exchange or swap group – we used to belong to our local Freecycle group before it closed down and then joined a Facebook exchange group. We’ve received all sorts of great books and freebies as well as gifted unwanted items to others.
  • Re-usable curricula – we have generally use Tapestry of Grace as our core curriculum. Once you’ve bought all 4 years of the program, you have the outline for all 13 years of school, for as many children as you have. Plus, I have always saved the curricula I use with my eldest to use with my youngest when she gets to that level.
    The Well-Trained Mind is a similar curriculum (without a Christian world view), outlining all 13 grades, with many books available at the library.

There is also a book named Homeschooling on a Shoestring that you may want to check out for more ideas.

What’s your favourite resource for homeschooling on a shoestring? Please let me know what I’ve missed in the comments below!

Love, Luck &


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Please note: This article was originally published in August 2010 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and buy, I make a few bucks to keep up Homeschooling in Nova Scotia. Thanks for your support!

5 thoughts on “Can You Homeschool on a Shoestring?”

  1. Pingback: Blog Cruise – Making homeschooling affordable at TOS Homeschool Crew

  2. I also love my Tapestry of Grace, and with 5 children find it is so worth the expense. Thanks for mentioning so many different free resources for homeschooling.

  3. Pingback: Homeschooling in Nova Scotia » Blog Archive » How Do You Manage Your Homeschool Budget?

  4. Great list! We homeschool quite inexpensively – there are many free and affordable resources available, you just have to be diligent in seeking them out. I find curriculum swaps to be a great asset.

    Thanks for sharing!

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