The Truth About #MomFail Culture

**Please note: This free video series is no longer available. Stay tuned for more great freebies**

The Truth About #MomFail Culture: 10 Things You Need to Hear on the Hard Days

Mount washmore is piling up in the corner. Homeschooling started off on the wrong foot, with tears over math. Supper is looking like spaghetti (again). You’re lost your temper more than once ano you’re sure you didn’t win any awards for “The Most Patient Mom” today.

On days like this, you might be tempted to judge yourself even more harshly. Not only were you not at your best, but you’re a terrible mom. A pathetic homemaker. The day has been a disaster. You probably deserve an F minus in motherhood.

On and on goes the litany in your head as you stew about the ways you didn’t match up, didn’t do enough, or were too (angry, critical, impatient, disorganized) fill in the blank.

You snap a shot of your increasingly depressing laundry pile after the kids go to bed and share it on Instagram with a self-deprecating comment and the hashtag #momfail. It’s only meant as a joke, of course, but deep down it feels a little truer than you wish it did.

If this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to know two things:

  1. You are not a mom fail. Most moms feel this way far more than they ever admit, though.
  2. All the ways you failed? How awful you did today or last week? It’s not true. You’re doing better than you think.

I’ve had these sorts of days! It’s because I get it that I’m so excited to point you in the direction of this brand new (and free!) video series created by two moms who have lived their fair share of #momfail days.

Stephanie and Beth are not only popular bloggers, they’re also moms in the trenches. They have 8 kids, so loads of mothering experience between them.

They also understand and have the deepest compassion for moms who are working their tails off, but still hitting the pillow at night with heavy hearts and tear-stained faces because they feel as if they’re failing at one of the most important things they’ll ever do in their lives.

So, they’ve put together an honest, candid and incredibly encouraging series of three videos just for moms. It’s called “The Truth About #MomFail Culture: 10 Things You Need to Hear on the Hard Days.

It won’t solve all your problems, and much as they wish they could, they can’t reach through the computer and fold the piles of laundry for you. But everyone can benefit from a fresh perspective and encouragement from moms who really get it.

Each video is short – around 10 minutes, and you can watch it on any sort of device  when you have a few spare minutes.

To watch the video series, click this link and enter your name and email to sign up. You’ll get access to the first video today, and then one per day. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Are you dealing with #momfail culture? Have you been feeling like a #momfail in your home or homeschool? Please let me know in the comments below!

Love, Luck &


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